If it isn't available, you may be able to use standard BitLocker encryption instead. If the value says ④, then device encryption is available on your device. At the bottom of the System Information window, find ③.Type and search in the Windows search bar ①, then click ②.To see if you can use device encryption.Please go to the corresponding instruction based on the current Windows operating system on your computer: To find your BitLocker key in your Microsoft account please refer to. For more details, please refer to Overview of BitLocker Device Encryption in Windows. Note: Device encryption protects with BitLocker device encryption, and the BitLocker key will automatically back up to your Microsoft account after completing Device encryption. If device encryption isn't available on your device, you may be able to turn on standard BitLocker encryption instead. If you turn on device encryption, the data on your device can only be accessed by people who've been authorized. Introduction to Device Encryption and Standard BitLocker Encryptionĭevice encryption helps protect your data, and it's available on a wide range of Windows devices.